The "Beat unemployment" project will help to develop abilities and skills of young people in the area of running an own business, their knowledge of labour market and will offer opportunities of self-realisation in future through own business activities. We assume that present Europe faces rising radicalization and intolerance of young people and we see the cause in their low employment. One of the reasons how to find realization is creating an own firm. The aims of the "Beat unemployment" project correspond with aims of the aims of Erasmus+ programme, as for the fight with rising unemployment rate and radicalization of young people. The project aims to equip the participants with competences required at the labour market which are essential in competitive environment. The project also supports cooperation and mutual enrichment in the area of non-formal education. In compliance with the Erasmus+ programme it allows the participating organization to inform about gained results and outputs of the project and thus increase the impact of youth project and their sustainability as well as ensure the European benefit of the Erasmus+ programme.

In this project we want to deal with the question of improving competences connected with entrepreneurship and labour market, especially developing entrepreneurship, language and communication competences. The project focuses on needs of the participants to gain and develop their competences to get higher chances to succeed at the labour market both in their countries and at the common European market.

The participants of the project are young people aged 15-19 who are active in their organizations, participate in activities done by partner teams and are interested in gaining new competences and experience at international level. 30 people from 5 countries will be involved. Each team will be composed of 1 leader and 5 participants who will be able to communicate in English. All teams will involve participants with limited opportunities or coming from disadvantageous environment. The project is a youth exchange under KA1.

The main activities will include ice-breaking games, presentations about unemployment, workshops focused on starting a firm, making a business plan, logo, commercials, promotion, writing CV, roleplays on job interview, discrimination at the labour market, excursions to companies in the region, meeting youth, cultural evenings, day of national cuisine, presentations of fictive firms, evaluation activities, creating Youthpasses, working out results from the project and disemination activities. The project will include methods of non-formal learning such as ice-breaking games, energizers, teambuilding games, workshops, debates and discussions, role-plays, excursions, intercultural activities and disemination activities.

The results of the project will be increased competences of participants: entrepreneurship, communication and language, digital, learning to learn, social, moving and math as well as increased cultural awareness. We will create proposals of fictive firms including short business plan, logos, promotion, TV commercials, professional CVs, promotion and disemination materials and flyers, photo-book from the project, both electronic and printed publication with outputs, webpage, facebook page, etc.

Impact - participants will develop their entrepreneurial, communication, language, social and IT competences, their motivation to be active at labour market, their ability to bring new creative ideas and develop them, ability to see the world through an entrepreneurial eye and search for business opportunities, they will develop their knowledge of business English, improve their ability to work both individually and in a team, plan and organize activities, present own ideas, persuade the others, answer objections, make compromises. They will also increase their tolerance towards other cultures and towards people coming from different environment. We assume a significant impact on participants, team leaders and organizations not only at local and regional but also international level. The project will have long-team benefit both for the participants and thanks to disemination also for target groups. It will improve entrepreneurial competences of young people, will offer them a possibility to self-realization through running their own business, will present ideas of possible firms, their logos, promotion, commercials etc. The project is sustainable, its activities and methods may be used by other organizations working with youth. For the participants it is also sustainable as they will be able to develop their ideas and start their own firms in the future.

This is our project - Beat unemployment!


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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